Graphic & Web Designer from Fresno, Ca -- 07:52 AM // 46°

Golden Hills Community Church

Golden Hills Community Church (GHCC) is a church of more than 3,500 people in Brentwood, CA. GHCC has multiple service times across its two campuses and also streams their services live. They also have programs that serve hundreds more throughout the week. Golden Hills wanted to simplify and streamline their communication to create a more focused and user-friendly experience for their congregation, those who stream their services online each week and people who are visiting the site for the very first time. Together with the GHCC team, we did a content audit of the information on their previous site, created a list of needs and goals, and completely redesigned the website from the ground up.


Using wireframes we were able to explore a variety of general design ideas and really explore how and where we wanted key pieces of content to live. It gave us the ability to nail down the informational hierarchy of all the new content we were working on and ensured that the site, specifically the home page, was easy to use for a first time visitor. We developed the overall layout and structure and ensured that the navigation and overall experience of the website was easy and intuitive.


With the overall layout in place, I was able to start on the final UI and design elements of the site. We had decided that we wanted the website to feel modern and fresh, and so one of the first decisions I made was to update from the traditional yellow and blue colors that GHCC had been using. I went with a brighter blue and swapped the yellow for a gradiated. I think developed a general style guide with font styles, sizes, shadows, buttons styles etc and used that to complete all the pages. I continued to collaborate with the GHCC team until the pages were all approved.

We transition all the content from Drupal to CraftCMS and I developed the front end of the site and structured the admin panel.

Last listened to...

gotta win the race

by TJ Hickey